Book Club Info Carrd!

Welcome to our Carrd!
Check out the tabs for more info!

(Also Cas made this <3)

Hi! We're Book Club!

From Left to Right, There's Bee, Cas, Lily and Kris in a cartoon art style.

We're a funky little friend group that likes to chat and play video games together!
(who also decided to make a podcast!)

"Book Club Prime" sometimes known as "Book Club Core" consists of four people, Bee, Caspian, Kris and Lily!

Important Info!

Hey there! Multiple will people use this twitter!
To keep track of who's tweeting, we use Emotes!
Here's our list!

-Anything without an emoji is from book club prime collectively-


However, there are three systems in book club, and the hosts won't always be fronting! Other system members have emojis for the systems overall!

(Common Fronters will also be listed below, bolded are most common)

NameEmoji!Common Fronters
🧛Void Dwellers🌌Beetle, Cipher, Regi (May Fluctuate)
⭐Storm Division🌩️[placeholder]
🐝Alphabet Soup[placeholder][placeholder]
Book Club Socials!
Book Club's Twitter!
[Book Club's Twitch]() - To be Made
[Book Club's Discord]() - To be Made

Currently in the process of Creating her Carrd! Please be patient!! <3 - Book Club